Our Quality Management System is set in line with ISO 9001:2015
We monitor the Quality Management System and Product quality performance through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and improvethe efficiency & effectiveness of our processes by taking timely corrective/preventive measures. The Quality Assurance department regularly measures and analyses the effectiveness of management systems implementation through a well-planned system of internal quality audits and management reviews.
To ensure the autonomy of Quality functions, SKI has established a matrix reporting system whereby QA/QC staff reports to the Production managers administratively and Corporate QA/QC Department functionally.
The Quality Department has established and approved more than 20 Production & Quality procedure.
We strive for excellence and are in a constant pursuit of Quality improvement. Our team of highly qualified, experienced and competent quality professionals, certified inspection personnel cater to the specific needs of Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal Components Productions.
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